Conference Title: International Conference in Business,Technology and Innovation 2013
Conference Title: UBT Publications
Contributing Editos: Prof. Albert Qarri, Prof. Ibrahim Krasniqi, Krenare Pireva, Evelina Bazini, Nita Abrashi
Co-Organizers: Ardian Emini, Vlora Aliu, Betim Gashi, Xhemajl Mehmeti, Kushtrim Dragusha, Murat Retkoceri, Kaltrina Bunjaku, Leonita Braha
Start Date: 2013-11-01
End Date: 2013-11-02
Venue, City, Country: : Hotel Bleart , Durres , Albania

Paper Title

Comparison of emotion evaluation perception using human voice signals of robots and humans


Vesna Kirandziska, Nevena Ackovska


Emotion perception is the process of perceiving other people’s emotions. It can be based on their facial expression, movement, voice and other biosignals they emit. The evaluation of human’s emotion is one characteristic of emotions. Emotion evaluation can be positive or negative. One of the research areas in Robotics, an emerging filed in computer science and engineering, is adapting humanistic behavior in robots. Today many robots are constructed. Some of them can even perceive emotions. In this paper a custom built emotion aware robot that perceives emotion evaluation is used to investigate the similarity and differences of the robot's perception with human's perception. Several experiments are made with the custom built emotion aware robot we built. Voice signals from real human were recorded and the information for the emotion evaluation was obtained from our robot and a set of human evaluators. This paper presents the results of the experiments. The experimental results show the difficulty of the problem of emotion evaluation perception in general. The significance of human voice signals in emotion evaluation is also investigated. This paper also presents a discussion about the future of robots that can perceive human emotions and their usage in the environment.
