Conference Title: International Conference in Business,Technology and Innovation 2013
Conference Title: UBT Publications
Contributing Editos: Prof. Albert Qarri, Prof. Ibrahim Krasniqi, Krenare Pireva, Evelina Bazini, Nita Abrashi
Co-Organizers: Ardian Emini, Vlora Aliu, Betim Gashi, Xhemajl Mehmeti, Kushtrim Dragusha, Murat Retkoceri, Kaltrina Bunjaku, Leonita Braha
Start Date: 2013-11-01
End Date: 2013-11-02
Venue, City, Country: : Hotel Bleart , Durres , Albania

Paper Title

Public Management, Public Administration, Public Policies and The Antidiscrimination Measures in Kosovo


Shkendije (Demalijaj) Ukaj


One of the main motivations for the implementation of public administration reform in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe is the entry into the European Union, such a thing is true for the Republic of Kosovo. Public administration of any state that will approach the European Union should reach the level of confidence in the implementation of the acquis communautaire and the quality level of the administration which exists within the European Administrative space. Public administration refers to the work that perform governmental institutions and includes the development and implementation of public policies. Political parties adopt inclusive models of policy development for a number of different reasons. Some parties mention values or ideological basis reason for the involvement of citizens in policy-making. Others are practical, emphasizing the fact that consultation often brings stronger policy opportunities, and most important. For example, policies for the development of the central and local budgets that include views of economic experts together with users of public goods, are more likely to be realistic, meaningful and applicable. Public consultation on public policy making is becoming a universal standard in European governance. Under EC rules, using public consultation to develop policies and legislation ensure that policy proposals are technically possible and practically feasible. In other words, such consultation dual purpose shall be applied in Kosovo by assisting in the improvement of the quality of the policy outcome as a condition for European integration. Economic and social development of any country can not be understood without a treatment and concrete achievements in the development and implementation of antidiscrimination policies by central and local government institutions.
