The Macedonia`s membership in the World Trade Organization as well as the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement cause an increase in the competition level on domestic market and necessity of redefining the agricultural policy goals, which shall be in direction of solving the problems that Macedonian agricultural sector is facing with. The Republic of Macedonia as a candidate country for EU membership, is accomplishing its obligation for adjusting its national policy with the principles and rules of the Common Agricultural Policy, as well as adopting the provisions from the acquis communitarie. In addition, the process of regionalization and globalization has and will continue to have impact on the Macedonian agricultural sector and the economy in general, which will inevitably lead to necessity of creating real agricultural policy that will contribute Macedonia to become a net exporter of agricultural products, providing at the same time environmental sustainability and sustainable base of agricultural resources. The aim of this paper is to acknowledge that, Republic of Macedonia as a part of the international trade system and as a part of the large group of developing countries and member of numerous international organizations, has numerous challenges and perspectives for creating sustainable agricultural policy that will develope and promote the agricultural sector. In this respect, the creators of agricultural policy should focus on turning the Republic of Macedonia into net exporter of agricultural products, simultaneously balancing the agricultural resources base and environment. The research in this paper is accomplished by using method of evaluation, method of analysis and synthesis, method of induction and deduction, method of comparison and quantitative method.