Conference Title: International Conference in Business,Technology and Innovation 2013
Conference Title: UBT Publications
Contributing Editos: Prof. Albert Qarri, Prof. Ibrahim Krasniqi, Krenare Pireva, Evelina Bazini, Nita Abrashi
Co-Organizers: Ardian Emini, Vlora Aliu, Betim Gashi, Xhemajl Mehmeti, Kushtrim Dragusha, Murat Retkoceri, Kaltrina Bunjaku, Leonita Braha
Start Date: 2013-11-01
End Date: 2013-11-02
Venue, City, Country: : Hotel Bleart , Durres , Albania

Paper Title

The development of IT and Telnet and its Impact in Business Security (non Security)


Musa Tahiraj


During the years, the people are more hungry for information and for faster doing processes and works. In order to assure more information, higher technology and faster processes there exist always possibility for threats. In order to have more business information security, is required to have more knowledge about technology. In this paper is presented which are the challenges faced with information security on businesses during the rapid development IT and Telnet. Which are the steps in predicting the some parameters for secure business information system. In this turbulent nature of different developing in different technology and standards there is high possibility for loss businesses and markets by different attacks in different layers. This challenge requires stable technology, the standard platform and especially policies and rules for implementation security steps through those rapid changes in technology. In the paper are presented some of statistical review about the causes of information damage, where is taken that most of the causes of damage is human errors and mainly it is caused by current employer. In this context is very interesting to make employees part of the solution, not part of the problem. Here are explained some of the standards and audits which are crucial for security information systems.Which are advantages in using new information technology and which are the problems with atacks by difeerent sources. The weaknesses of using and registration new applicatioins in smart phones etc. The paper has descriptive-narrative, statistical and inductive nature of processes which happen doing business through implementing the new information technology. At the end is presented a model with seven attributes which has impact in information system security for every kind of the business.


Developing technologies, Telnet security, impacts in business, business security challenge, computer threats, policies, rules,