The objective of this research study is to investigate the trade dependency, trade interdependency and trade comparative advantage between Republic of Kosovo and its main trading partners. The study includes the five (5) trading partners of Republic of Kosovo such as: Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Germany & Italy Trade dependency, interdependency and comparative advantages rations has been calculated between 2003 – 2012 and trend analysis has been conducted to measure the clustering of the trade. The mean calculation has been done to verify the directions of such trend relationship. The study concludes that Republic of Kosova heavily depends on foreign products that already have flooded the Kosova market and therefore this trend of negative balance will continue for some time unless the Government of Kosova starts immediate fiscal policy reforms and creative business approach. With Kosova being a small market and low production it can be considered as an insignificant interdependence partner and cannot dictate any market pricing as completely relies on foreign products.